Shreyas Prakash

I'm a designer turned entrepreneur, now a product manager.

I like creating things (writing, designing, coding, startups). Startups are cool because they're positive sum & impactful.

Throughout my work, I've helped support the navigation of difficult lives through tech— high-risk mothers, alzheimers patients, healthcare workers, deaf-blind runners, rural artisans, tribal children etc.

In my spare time, I love tinkering online. I'm also a self-taught developer that's topped Product Hunt a few times. Ask me anything about online-first friendships, internet tools, juggling side projects, learning to code, or anything in between :)

Some questions I'm pondering upon

  • How might we make 1:1 mentorship scalable?
  • How might we redesign cities to eradicate loneliness?
  • How might we make human-in-the-loop AI healthcare solutions accurate, reliable and scalable?
  • What's the goldilocks zone of social-media consumption for teenagers? How much is too much?
  • What would the tech-stack for a one-person billion dollar business look like?

Recent essays

For essays covering various other topics, view my infinite-scroll blog here.